Yunita & Oky

Wedding Invitation

With the grace and blessings of God, we cordially invite you to celebrate our wedding

(Atas kasih dan karunia Tuhan, Kami mengundang Bapak /Ibu /Saudara /i untuk hadir pada acara pernikahan kami)



The first daughter of Mr. Sutarno & Mrs. Sri Sugiyatmi
Putri pertama dari Bapak Sutarno & Ibu Sri Sugiyatmi


The fifth son of Mr. Guntur Simbolon & Mrs. Wastini
Putra kelima dari Bapak Guntur Simbolon & Ibu Wastini

Your presence and blessings will complete our happiness

Kehadiran dan doa restu Bapak /Ibu /Saudara /i akan melengkapi kebahagiaan kami

Venue Details

Detail Lokasi

Holy Matrimony

Pemberkatan Pernikahan

Pukul 10.00 - 11.30 WIB

Gereja Oikumene

Bahtera Kasih

Jl. Raya Cilanda KKo,

Cilandak Timur, Pasar Minggu

Jakarta Selatan

The Wedding Event

Acara Pernikahan

Wedding Reception

Resepsi Pernikahan

Pukul 18.30 - 21.00 WIB

Sky Ballroom Lt.10

Hotel Horison Ultima Bekasi

Area Parkir: Metropolitan Mall P5-P8

Jl. KH Noer Ali, Pekayon Jaya

Bekasi Selatan

During the pandemic, we were brought together by God. Our relationship began with increasingly intense communication, leading us to decide to meet in person at Ayam Goreng Berkah, Blok-M. The first meeting was memorable, despite the simple meal, as we felt a sense of comfort and a desire to get to know each other more deeply.

As time went on, our weekends were filled with plans to visit coffee shops, authentic Japanese restaurants, and enjoy street food, which became a routine we cherished together. Our relationship, full of tolerance and simplicity, made us confident to take the next step.

In the same month as Yunita's birthday, Oky decided to propose. We felt immense happiness during the proposal, which we immediately shared with our closest friends via video call. With the blessing of our families and friends, we began preparing for our engagement. In July 2023, in a warm and intimate ceremony, we vowed to take care of and love each other. The union of our two families marked the beautiful beginning of a deeper bond.

We also faced differences in opinions and views, but we learned that not all issues need to be resolved immediately; sometimes, we need time to reflect and digest the situation. This approach helped us accept our differences and navigate them with patience and strength from God. Often, we would laugh about these differences, making them a cherished part of our love story.

In the long run, with thorough preparations, we set our wedding date for September 7, 2024. Without rushing, we are ready to make our sacred vows before God, starting a new chapter in our lives as husband and wife. With love, trust, and understanding as our foundation, we are prepared to face everything together. We hope our story can inspire others to always believe in love, and we pray that our journey will always be blessed with happiness, health, and peace.

Our Story

Cerita Kita

Wedding Gallery

Galeri Foto Pernikahan

Explore our beautiful moments captured on our special day together

Jelajahi banyak momen indah yang diabadikan di hari istimewa bersama kita

Wedding Gift

Hadiah Pernikahan

With all of our respect, you can also send some gifts to the bride and groom via:

Tanpa mengurangi rasa hormat kami bagi tamu yang ingin mengirimkan hadiah kepada kedua mempelai dapat mengirimkannya melalui :